And were goin' on a trip! And then another one! And then another one!

The sun was just coming up when the Bachurim of YKTH were woken from their peaceful slumber.


We started our day with a refreshing two hour kayak marathon amidst the beautiful cottonwood boulders. The views and water were just spectacular.

After exercising our bodies we exercised our Brains by doing the local escape room.

and were off again!

Our third trip brought us to the spectacular “Out of Africa” walk through Safari. We got to meet new furry friends and to be quite honest I think some of us felt right at home 😉

and what good trip doesn’t end with a good ol’ fashioned BBQ to end off the day?


Motzei Shabbos threw the Bachurim into a frenzy here in YKTH.

Its the draft. The tension is palpable. You can almost cut it with a knife.

The Arizona soft drink league is here with teams like “half n’ half” “peach” and “mucho mango”.

The captains are appointed. The teams are made. The only thing unclear is who will come out victorious.

Oh nearly forgot, there was pizza. and slurpies. and energy drinks.

Must i go on?